According to information compiled by the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa), Chile exported 232,000 tons of apples in the first five months of 2021, i.e. 15.3% fewer tons than in the same period of last year. The total value of shipments totaled 203 million dollars FOB, i.e. nearly 15% less than in the same period of the previous year.
Apple shipments to India stood out this season, accounting for 21.22% of exports. Colombia was the destination for 13.6% of exports, Ecuador for 10.02%, and Saudi Arabia for 9.54% of shipments.
This season, the main fresh-apple exporting regions were the region of Maule (119,605 tons), the O'Higgins region (80,703 tons), and the Araucanía region (19,363 tons).
Organic fresh apples
The country exported a total of 6,880 tons of fresh organic apples (including all varieties) between January and May of 2021. The main destinations were the United States (39.87%), the Netherlands (24.19%), and the United Kingdom (13.69%). Colombia is listed as a Latin American country of destination and accounted for 0.28% of shipments.
In the previous season (2020), the country exported a total of 8,795 tons, i.e. nearly 2,000 tons more of this fresh fruit. The US market concentrated more than 50% of the fruit that year.
Variation of the commercial surface in 10 years
The area devoted to apple crops in Chile decreased by nearly 3,000 hectares in ten years, going from 35,000 hectares in 2010 to some 32,000 in 2020. This reduction took place mainly in the O'Higgins and Maule regions, which had decreases of -4.5% and -4.72%, respectively.
In the same decade, the regions of Araucania and Ñuble increased their surfaces. La Araucania added 1,354 hectares (a 79.39% variation) and Ñuble about 1,000 hectares. These data correspond to the entire apple production, including all varieties and presentations (organic, fresh, preserved, dehydrated, frozen, and juice).
2020 has been the year with the smallest acreage of this crop in 16 years (since 2004).