Farm manager Markus Mörgeli from Mörgeli Obstbau in Aesch spoke about a total loss of his harvest: "Last Tuesday, our entire orchard was completely destroyed by the storm. Here in Switzerland, we unfortunately do not have many possibilities to have the damage compensated, as trees cannot be insured in Switzerland. We can only hope to get at least a few products from colleagues for direct marketing. There are no compensation possibilities from the federal government and the canton, because - as mentioned - there is no insurance for trees themselves, but at least there is for the scaffolding and other equipment needed for cultivation."
Mörgeli, on the other hand, is happy to have been able to save at least a few goods from the storm: "We only suffered partial damage to our older plant. That's where our focus is at the moment, so that we can at least still save this crop, on which we grow apples, pears and plums, among other things."
Unlike in Germany, for example, there are no purchase contracts in Switzerland: "If you don't deliver the goods, there are no consequences, but there are no safeguards either. At the start of August, we deliver a harvest estimate, which we can then use to discuss and plan the situation for our warehouses, etc."
Furthermore, there are also many companies that offer their help in view of the continuing situation, such as potato and vegetable Lemm:
Asparagus and pumpkin farm Roelen draws attention with an unusual donation campaign again:
Obsthof Schaefer Birresdorf offers fresh water on their farm:
For more information:
Mörgeli Obstbau
Sägissen 2
CH-8904 Aesch
Tel.: +41 78 911 50 57
Kartoffel und Gemüse Lemm
50181 Bedburg
Tel.: +49 2272 6200
Spargelhof Roelen
Jochen Roelen
Ulmenstraße 45
41363 Jüchen
Tel: +49 21 81 - 43 11 2
Fax: +49 21 81 - 47 02 66
Landwirtschaft & Obstbau Heinz Schaefer
Hof Alte Burg 1
53501 Grafschaft Birresdorf