The apple export season has already started in Portugal. Portuguese pome fruit plantations have not suffered any problems during the flowering and fruit development thanks to their mild climatic conditions, a result of their proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. They have also managed to start the season earlier, not only compared to last year, but also to other parts of Europe, which have been severely affected by low temperatures during the spring.
"In the Western Region we have started 15 days earlier than normal, and in the Armamar area, in the Northern Region, we are starting now," says João Juma, Export Manager of the Lisbon-based company United Growers, which is specialized in apple exports. "In fact, we have already shipped the first containers of the season to the Middle East, specifically to Dubai and Kuwait."
The World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) expects the production to reach 312,000 tons this year. Portugal will achieve a significant increase in the production compared to that of 2020, exceeding the average of the last 3 years by 4%.
"If we look at WAPA data, Portugal is not a very representative producer in terms of volume compared to countries like Poland, Italy or France, but the Portuguese apple has been building its international reputation for years," says the professional. "The members of United Growers have been exporting their fruit for more than 30 years to traditional markets such as Brazil, France or the UK, but the company is committed to focus on new international markets, mainly in the Middle East, but also in Asia, Africa and Latin America. To this end, we have relied on the Queen PortuGala brand."
"Queen PortuGala, of United Growers, is reserved for the best Gala apples in Portugal. The brand is used to supply fruit of a differentiated quality to exclusive customers, who appreciate the effort of our producers, who share our same values and stand for the quality of the product we have," he says.
Quality will be the key factor this year, as Europe's apple production is expected to increase by 10%. Poland, the largest apple producer in the EU-27, has increased its production by 22% compared to last year and will supply well over 4 million tons of apples. "Therefore, this year, in which our calibers will be a bit smaller than desired, we'll have to focus on adding value to our product mainly by supplying premium quality. That will be the way to avoid becoming involved in the trade war that is going to happen," says João Juma. "We just hope that the situation of maritime logistics and container prices will be regularized a little bit, so that we can take Queen PortuGala apples all over the world."
New opportunities for Rocha pears
While it is focused on apples (mainly the Royal Gala and Golden Delicious varieties), United Growers also has productions of Rocha pears; a variety produced exclusively in the country, and for which there may be better prospects this season.
"Portugal traditionally exports its Rocha pears to Morocco and Brazil, but countries in Europe such as France and Spain are buying increasingly more. I believe that, with the lack of production expected in Europe this year, there will be chances to work with this variety in new markets," says João.
It is worth recalling that WAPA expects a 28% drop in the European pear harvest, with sharp declines in important producing countries, such as Italy, the Netherlands or Belgium. The 2021 harvest is considered the lowest in the last decade; however, it foresees an increase of over 30% in the Portuguese production.
For more information:
João Juma
United Growers Lda
Avenida de Berna 3, 1D
1050-036 Lisboa, Portugal.
T: +351 21 0935 261
M: +351 910 645 600