Vegetable growers across Australia will be supported by a national extension program aimed to boost productivity and deliver the latest research and development on-farm. We are talking about the new $14.1 mln VegNET 3.0 program, that is being delivered through Hort Innovation. The organization will make use of vegetable industry levies and funds from the Australian government, led by Australia’s peak vegetable industry body AUSVEG.
Hort Innovation Chief Executive Matt Brand said the initiative represents the single largest research and development investment in the vegetable growing sector’s history: “This supercharged 5-year extension initiative takes a collaborative, local focus, with Development Officers based in 10 growing regions across the country. Each region will receive tailored support that meets local challenges. This network of experienced professionals will provide evidence-based tools and information in vital areas such as biosecurity, pest and disease management, soil and water management, the supply chain and protected cropping.”
Brand said the VegNET initiative complements Hort Innovation’s dedicated extension arm, created in 2019. He said it also builds on the foundation and momentum generated through previous VegNET programs.
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