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Marc De Nale, Demain la Terre (Tomorrow the Earth):

"We are actively working to increase the visibility and understanding of our approach"

Accompanied by some of its members, Demain la Terre was at the Fruit Attraction 2021. If the show was, as it was for many, the opportunity to renew contacts, it was also the opportunity for the association to communicate on the launch of its new website: "We were quite satisfied with our three days at the show. We knew of course that it would be a "trade show" with a moderate attendance, but it allowed us to improve the quality of our meetings, with more time for discussion. Our members felt the same way as we did and were generally satisfied," explains Marc De Nale, director of Demain la Terre.

"We also took the opportunity to launch our brand new website, which has been completely redesigned. We have indeed moved from a showcase site to a community site that is much more consumer-oriented. The site will be fully translated into English, and we will also work on a version in Spanish and German for our Swiss members, as the name Demain la Terre has already been translated into each of these languages.

A website more accessible to consumers
Demain la Terre has taken advantage of the beginning of the year to strengthen its digital strategy. If this new website is also aimed at producers and distributors, it is also part of a reinforced communication strategy aimed at the consumer.

"We have redefined our approach in five strong commitments, which allows us to be more effective in explaining the ins and outs of our approach. Visitors, according to their profile (producer, consumer, distributor) can now be directed to the pages specifically dedicated to them. This presentation makes our approach much more concrete for our members and visitors. The site also has many more features with interactive maps, frequently asked questions, tools for accessing an online request for goods directly from distributors, etc."

In November, the association will launch a major communication campaign aimed at the general public to gain visibility with consumers, with a complete overhaul of the key message. They will also be present at trade fairs like the SIA (Salon International de l'Agriculture), which is mainly aimed at the general public and institutions. Meanwhile, the company is responding to all requests for conferences and other seminars to explain the approach. "The idea is to contribute to increasing the visibility, awareness, and understanding of Demain la Terre.

Marc de Nale and Damien Sanchez at the Attraction 2021 Fruit

A will to develop its communication strategy towards the distribution
In parallel with this consumer-oriented development, Demain la Terre is seeking to strengthen its communication to the distribution sector in the broadest definition of the term (supermarkets, restaurants, greengrocers, wholesalers). "Our goal is to strengthen the whole strategy aimed at distribution channels to fight both battles at the same time and reinforce our presence in the distribution sector. That's why it was also important for us to be in Madrid. This will mean in-store presence and operations to increase the visibility of the label among consumers. This will follow the same basic strategy, which is to bring the approach of retailers closer to that of Demain la Terre.

A constantly growing number of members
Currently, Demain la Terre has 23 members. This number should increase to about thirty by the end of next year. "We have had a strong membership rate over the past few years. Of course, we are looking to maintain this trend, because the greater the number of producers and members we have in the process, the more certified products we will have, the more we will attract distributors, and finally, the more visible we will be to the consumer.

Other projects to come
In addition to reinforcing the communication of its approach to consumers and distributors, Demain la Terre plans to include new members from new sectors outside the strict framework of fruit and vegetables.

The association also wishes to position itself regarding the climate issue: "We are actively working on the subject, in particular with ADEME within the framework of life cycle analyses. We are going to draw up an initial assessment that will enable us to directly integrate environmental design and the reduction of climate impact into the label's criteria.

Finally, Demain la Terre wishes to position itself on the topic of nutrition: "At the beginning of the year, we began a partnership with INRAE and CIRAD to work on the nutritional characteristics of our products and their impact on health. The objective here is to find out which production process parameters can be used to improve these characteristics.

For more information:
Marc De Nale
Demain la Terre (Tomorrow the Earth)
[email protected]

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