Last week, a call for help from the Netherlands reached "B+H Solutions Ltd" in Swabia's Remshalden: Numerous tomato and cucumber producers can no longer operate greenhouses in Holland because lighting and heating have become unaffordable. "B+H Solutions" Managing Director Elmar Buder: "The Dutch are complaining about energy costs of up to 70 euros per square meter; an incredible 700,000 euros per season and hectare. No one can afford this!"
Some Dutch greenhouse operators have sold their energy contracts (with lower gas costs) to other farms without producing vegetables themselves. Logical consequence: the supply of vegetables decreases; prices for German consumers also increase.
Tyndall effect can provide a solution
The solution to the problem is super-tiny silver spheres. Under patent number EP 3205637 A1, the multi-award-winning Swabian innovation company produces a product with elemental, colloidal silver that reaches the plants in greenhouses via irrigation. What sounds like something out of a science fiction novel actually works in real life: the supersmall silver spheres change the wavelength of the incoming light on the plant, causing more chloroplasts (so-called "plant power plants") to be active at the same time and subsequently boosting and accelerating the plant's photosynthesis performance.
Prof. Dr. Martin Heinisch, partner of Elmar Buder at "B+H Solutions" explains: "We have made use of the over 100 year old "Tyndall Effect" from British natural scientist John Tyndall and have patented the process. The plants respond with faster growth despite less light (whether artificial or natural). Greenhouse operators can therefore reduce the luminosity and make significantly saves on energy. This still makes growing profitable, even with higher energy prices, and makes vegetable prices affordable again for consumers."
For more information:
B+H Solutions GmbH
Schnaiter Straße 11-13
D-73630 Remshalden
Tel: 0 71 51 / 97 00 40
Fax: 0 71 51 / 97 00 46
Mail: [email protected]