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Tech startup CoAmana expands trading in food commodity

Tech startup CoAmana Market Ltd is keen to expand its buyer-seller activities in Kenya, with a focus on agricultural products. This is through its digital marketplace, Amana Market, which enables buyers to source produce directly from farmers and connect with other local businesses through a CSA model.

The community-supported agriculture (CSA model) or crop sharing is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm or group of farms.

It is an alternative socio-economic model of agriculture and food distribution that allows the producer and consumer to share the risks of farming. The model is a subcategory of civic agriculture that has an overarching goal of strengthening a sense of community through local markets.

In return for subscribing to a harvest, subscribers receive either a weekly or bi-weekly box of produce or other farm goods. This includes in-season fruits and vegetables and can expand to dried goods, eggs, milk, meat, among other produces.


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