In principle, enough domestic apples are being produced for the whole of Austria. In the past, 90 % of the goods stayed in the domestic market. AROMA Ltd from St. Ruprecht in Styria is now forced to export 60% (to Egypt, Sweden, Cyprus, England) because there is not enough demand for apples at home. Additionally, imported berries and exotic fruits are now strongly competing with our regional apples, says CEO Michelle Schalk-Hirschbeck.
Aroma fruit prefers a resettlement to a traffic-technically favorable alternative location / Picture: Aroma fruit Ltd
Future relocation?
Since the takeover of the site in 2017, AROMA has been hemmed in from all sides. Because of its night-time operations -from midnight to 5 a.m.- there are always disputes with its neighbors. Although a noise barrier was erected at the company's expense, the complaints continue. But the worst problem for Schalk-Hirschbeck is that children are at risk on its access road, driveway and in the courtyard. It is a problem that could have been prevented by timely planning. The solution: relieve the pressure on the center by relocating it to an alternative site in the community, that has good traffic connections.
For more information:
Flurgasse 37a
A-8181 St. Ruprecht/Raab
T.: +43 3178 2671-0
M.: +43 664 227 96 77