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Dimitri Pinos, Leclerc:

“Proud to have won the Interfel competition with my employees at the regional level”

“I am very proud of my team who did an exceptional job!”, explains Dimitri Pinos, head of the fruit and vegetable department at Leclerc. And for good reason! The team won the famous competition organized by Interfel at the regional level. “The competition is designed to promote the skills and the fruit and vegetable profession, as well as to highlight the quality products we have at the national level. It is also a means to show our know-how in the way we work and select our products.”

“After explaining our motivations, the reason why we work in this sector and how we work the products, we are then selected by the jury. The competition is done in two stages: one at the regional level and one at the national level. The jury travels one day to see how we promote the product, how we educate the customers, advise them and create awareness about the seasonality of the products.”

An opportunity to promote local products
During the autumn, it was possible to admire the fiery colors of the fruit and vegetables of the Vosges and Alsace regions displayed in the Leclerc supermarket of Saint-Etienne-Lès-Remiremont. “The theme corresponded to the calendar. That is why we chose to promote products like squash, pumpkins and mushrooms. We also wanted to give visibility to regional products such as the apples from Alsace and the mushrooms from the Vosges. Finally, it was the opportunity to promote our daily work and the local partners who accompany us all year round.”

A team effort above all
It was the first year that Dimitri Pinos and his team participated in this competition. “It is a big challenge that reinforces the motivation and the cohesion of the team. This year, I decided to enter my employees as I felt that they were ready, that they had all achieved a high level of training and a know-how that deserved to be seen. Because it is a team effort above all. Throughout the year, they produce wonderful creations and this competition is an additional way for me to congratulate them.”

The results of the competition at the Agricultural Show
Now that the first stage is over, the team is competing in the second stage, at the national level. “We are now competing with the finalists of the four other regions, which we will meet at the Agricultural Show at the end of February where the final results will be revealed.”

For more information:
Dimitri Pinos
[email protected]

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