The European market for avocados is still growing. At the moment, Latin America dominates the supply to Europe with increasing exports. But there are certainly opportunities and challenges for emerging suppliers in Africa.
After years of strong growth, Latin American growers supply almost 75% of total European imports, valued at €2.15 billion. Africa has grown at a similar rate, if not faster. The main suppliers to Europe are South Africa, Kenya and Morocco. Kenya leads the supply from East Africa. This region exported 148 million euros worth of avocados to Europe in 2020.
Origin of European avocado import, in million euros / Image: ITC Trade Map
The East African avocado season is similar to the Peruvian season, but it starts earlier and finishes later. Figures show that European buyers are interested in African avocados, especially in the early and later parts of the season.
In March, the avocado season has not yet started in Peru. This offers opportunities for suppliers from Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, where the season begins in February.