Ceará agribusinesses are seeking ways to expand their contacts with the market in the Middle East, focusing on sales to Dubai. According to the president of the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of the State of Ceará, José Amilcar, the institution is already seeking to encourage entrepreneurs to raise production levels to meet this external demand.
On a trip to Cariri, Amilcar revealed that he is talking to some businessmen to increase fruit production in certain regions of the state in order to increase sales to the market in Dubai. Faec has been developing this perspective after a signal of support from the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), which offered to connect businesses in the state and in the city in the United Arab Emirates.
The Confederation, said Amilcar, should use the structure of the new office in Dubai to articulate new business.
Source: abrafrutas.org
Photo source: Dreamstime.com