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Rufino Romero, of Viveros Orero:

"Our fruit tree sales are growing in Central Asia, specifically in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan"

The important work carried out in varietal improvement in recent decades has made it possible to enhance and perfect existing fruit tree varieties, adapting them to the particular conditions of each growing area, defining specific periods in the productive season or adapting them to the preferences of different markets.

Each new tree is the result of intense research work carried out in close collaboration between breeding and scientific institutions. Nurseries like Viveros Orero, with its more than 130 years of history since its foundation in Segorbe, Castellon, in 1890, by Santiago Orero, actively participate in the selection processes and have witnessed the advances and trends in both the nursery and breeding sectors.

Sorting of plants in the field.

"Viveros Orero currently has collaboration agreements for the development of varieties with both national and international research centers, and is managing to remain at the forefront of the sector," says Rufino Romero. "Each breeder or research center has a breeding line with different criteria. Adaptation to low chilling hours is an increasingly relevant criterion, as well as resistance to diseases that allow us to produce fruit with fewer phytosanitary treatments, consistency for transport, pulp color, size or taste quality."

In fact, according to Rufino Romero, the improvement in taste quality has been the main turning point in this industry in the last 5 years. Species such as stone fruit or cherries, with a marked seasonal consumption in Europe (which makes it hard to find a supplier of this fresh fruit out of season on the continent), have made progress in this undeniably determining factor for end consumers.

Operation to facilitate root extraction.

"In the past, the focus was on features such as the size, earliness, productivity and skin color, but now it is becoming more important to obtain fruit with higher Brix degrees and a better flavor and texture," he says. "Thus, the flat peaches, apricots, or plums that are being planted now are all aimed at improving the taste quality of these fruits."

These trends can be confirmed through the company's sales, which shed light on current preferences on the part of growers and on the fruit that will make up the future supply in the markets. "Worthy of note is the strong growth in the sale of cherry trees, with all the new products from the California-based International Fruit Genetics (IFG), from which Viveros Orero produces its plants exclusively. When it comes to plum trees, Viveros Orero is the representative in Spain of the South African Culdevco and of California's SunWorld, and we produce very interesting varieties. We also work with the low resting plum varieties from the company Producción Vegetal Buffat's Genetics (PSB)."

"There is a lot of work to be done when it comes to appreciating the effort behind each new variety, and to making it clear that this has to be compensated with the payment of royalties to those breeders," says Rufino.

"The almond tree is the fastest growing species and there is a significant demand for it among our customers. In fact, we have observed that stone fruit plantings in these last 5 years have fallen to a lower level than usual, with them replaced in many cases by almond trees."

"As for nuts, pistachio has been the latest addition to our nursery, and it has been added with the purpose of meeting an existing demand for this fruit tree."

Exports represent more than 50% of sales
Viveros Orero moved its headquarters several decades ago to the Seville municipality of Villaverde del Río, on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, where it currently carries out the selection and multiplication of plant material under strict sanitary standards that guarantee the supply of top quality, healthy and certified bare root plants.

"One of Viveros Orero's main advances was achieved in the 1970's, when we implemented a new production system for saplings that allowed us to go from producing them in two years to just one, shortening the period from demand to delivery without any loss in the quality of the bare-root plant, which was well seasoned and acclimatized," says Rufino. "This led to us moving the production to a more suitable area, located in the Vega del Guadalquivir, and to pursuing the niche of specialists in varieties with few chilling hours. This is a competitive advantage that helps in planning for our grower customers."

Washing and moistening of the plants prior to shipment.

The company's figures speak for themselves. Viveros Orero has marketed more than 100 million trees throughout its long history, increasingly exporting more. Today the marketing of fruit trees in foreign destinations accounts for more than 50% of its annual sales, and the company is present on the European continent, in Africa and Asia, with varieties adapted to the peculiarities of each destination.

"Every country is a different world. In fact, almost every producer is. Most of the countries to which we export produce the fruit for self-consumption, with different standards compared to the European ones. For example, compared to us, the English market prefers fruit that is more acidic, while Brazilians demand a sugar level in the fruit that would be excessive here."

"Viveros Orero's traditional markets are the Middle East, Turkey, North Africa, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. In recent years we have been growing in Central Asia, specifically in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan."

"We have in turn a consolidated and dynamic market in Spain and Portugal, where we continue to grow thanks to the trust placed in us by the growers," says Rufino.

For more information:
Viveros Orero
Avenida de Brenes, 5
41318 Villaverde del Río, Seville. Spain
Tel.: +34 955 736 76
[email protected]

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