The effects of the conflict in Russia and Ukraine will also affect other nations, such as Ecuador. The Minister of Production, Julio José Prado, wrote on Twitter: “Russia’s conflict with Ukraine is already generating negative effects for various export sectors, so we are coordinating actions with our commercial office in Moscow. Likewise with the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry other actions are coordinated”.
Flowers and bananas are the first affected sectors. José Antonio Hidalgo, executive director of the Association of Exporters of Bananas, said: “The port and customs of Odessa, which is on the Black Sea, are not working and that worries us because 21% of our banana exports go to Russia.”
The Corporation of Exporters Guilds of Ecuador (Cordex) reacted yesterday, Wednesday, February 23, and sent a letter to the Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Holguín, where he requested the creation of a public-private work commission that operates as an alert system early through coordination between Cordex and diplomatic missions to the European Union, the United States, Russia and China in order to know in a timely manner the measures taken in the different countries with the sole purpose of anticipating any inconvenience that could affect normal performance to exports.