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AMS Chief Executive Officer to step down after 14 years

After 14 years at the helm of the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS), Jolyon Burnett has announced his intention to step down from the role of CEO when his contract expires in August this year.

AMS Chair Craig Mills paid tribute to Jolyon on behalf of the Board following the announcement.

“When Jolyon joined the AMS in 2008, the industry was facing significant challenges. Farm gate prices were low, our membership was dwindling, and various industry reviews had highlighted issues with the performance of the Society. 

“Jolyon was appointed to rebuild and strengthen our organisation, which he has done with outstanding commitment and professionalism,” said Mr. Mills. “He is a passionate advocate for our industry at all levels of government – local, state and federal – as well as the global stage.”

Mr Mills said Jolyon brought an abundance of energy and expertise to the role and worked tirelessly to grow the AMS and, the services and support it provides to members.

“The Society is now regarded as one of Australia’s strongest horticultural organisations, and we have a robust membership of more than 1000 members, representing more than 85% of Australia’s macadamia production.

“Importantly, Jolyon leaves the AMS in a much stronger and financially secure position, and with a team of nine professional staff who are servicing all major macadamia growing regions.”

Mr Mills said that during his tenure, Jolyon drove many important achievements.

“Under his leadership, MacGroups were revitalised, growing in participation from tens to hundreds, and the Society partnered with the NSW DPI to develop and launch the successful Integrated Orchard Management manual. The News Bulletin magazine and AMS conference evolved into some of the most professional and profitable communications vehicles in horticulture."

“Jolyon played a pivotal role in the AMS taking ownership of the levy-funded marketing program, which resulted in a more professional, targeted and commercially focused program with tangible outcomes. The development and growth of the Australian Macadamias brand remains one of the key achievements.  As well, he helped establish the collection of critical industry data with the assistance of the Australian Macadamia Handlers Association (AMHA).”

“Jolyon also took a particular interest in the Macadamia Conservation Trust, ensuring the AMS maintained its support until it could become self-sufficient.”

More recently, he worked with the global industry to establish the World Macadamia Organisation (WMO) and led the establishment of the Voluntary Marketing Fund to finance it. 

“Jolyon’s drive and commitment to the role, our industry and to Australian horticulture has been exceptional. The Board thank him for his leadership and the significant contribution he has made to the Society and global macadamia industry. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”

For more information:
Craig Mills
Australian Macadamia Society
Tel.: +61 0412 679 796

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