According to a panel of experts at the AgSmart Expo in Tamworth, rapidly evolving technology is having an increasingly large impact on farming in Australia. Led by ACM Agriculture national machinery and agtech writer Melody Labinsky, the seminar session looked into the uptake of agtech and how it is shaping the future of farming.
The panel featured Case IH ANZ Advanced Farming System product manager Sean McColley, Pairtree founder and fifth generation farmer Hamish Munro and NAB regional and agribusiness bank executive Warrick Grieve. McColley connectivity was constantly improving: "We struggle in the landscape that we are, we're so big and we've got variable reception issues but we'll work with that... that connectivity opens the door for a lot of future development.”
But the panel agreed that having adequate technical support is key to boosting adoption rates.
McColley said while the pandemic had hindered Case IH's ability to be able to provide in-person support, even in terms of attending field days, that was set to change in the near future. "At the end of the day we get a lot of feedback on whether a product is good or bad and that's really important.”