Yesterday, Ecuador received 4,600 banana plants called Formosana GCTCV-218, a Cavendish-type variety, tolerant to Fusarium Race 4 Tropical (Foc R4T). The two packages with the plants arrived from South Africa on a KLM airline flight to the José Joaquín de Olmedo airport, in the coastal city of Guayaquil, capital of the Guayas province, located in the southwest of the country.
The Ministry of Agriculture will apply a “very strict” protocol for reviewing the plants that will be received, among others, by representatives of the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Plant and Animal Health (Agrocalidad) and the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP).
The plants will leave the airport next Friday, after customs procedures at the Gallitec farm, in the province of Santa Elena, neighboring Guayas.