Cambodia and the Republic of Korea have discussed trade potential between both countries, mainly the import of Cambodian mangoes. The discussion was between Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, Gyuhwa Jang, Vice President of Korea Importers Association (KOIMA) and Ms. Yu Lin, President of GADOSH Korea Co., Ltd., at the ministry office yesterday afternoon.
Jang briefed the minister on the background of KOIMA, adding that the association consists of some 15,000 companies investing in all sectors. For her part, Ms. Lin informed Sorasak about GADOSH’s intention to import at least 10,000 tons of mangoes from Cambodia per year.
The minister further mentioned about the ministry’s readiness to support and facilitate businessmen in doing business in Cambodia, and encouraged the Korean side to study the possibility of importing other potential Cambodian agricultural products like longan and bananas, in addition to mangoes.