In mid-2019, Deepak Rajmohan returned to his home country from the US to work on an innovation designed to minimize food spoilage. “I always wanted to get back to India and felt that it was the right time with a perfect aim. I traveled for about three months through the villages of Tamil Nadu to meet and speak to farmers, distributors, shopkeepers, and whoever is involved in the chain of food supply. This made me realize several matters.”
After three months of research, a prototype was launched in May 2020. He used natural plant extracts to activate the inbuilt defense mechanism, which slows down the ripening rate and minimizes microbial growth, thus extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.
A European-based company called Rockstart AgriFood invested in his idea, and one year later, Deepak got a co-founder, Vijay Anand, a long-time friend of the innovator. Thus, GreenPod Labs, an agri-biotech startup, began its work officially.
The sachets it provides are entirely eco-friendly. Thus, creating a sustainable choice has been another goal of the company. “Apart from this, helping the farmers to get a better price for their produce and make fresh food veggies/ fruits available to customers are other factors we strive for,” says Vijay, the co-founder, and chief business officer of GreenPod Labs.