The mango is the leading fruit crop of Pakistan. It is mainly grown in Punjab and Sindh, with an annual production of 1.32 mln tons, according to Ministry of Ministry of National Food Security and Research data of 2021.
In Punjab, the average yield is 13.33 tons per hectare whereas it is 5.57 tons per hectare in Sindh. Mango can be grown in a diversified climate; however, the range of suitable temperature for successful crop production is from 6 to 42C.The temperature beyond this limit may affect plant health and performance. The changing climatic patterns are being observed in recent years which are impacting the crop significantly.
Currently, Pakistan is facing unexpected drought periods, heat waves, frost spells, hail, wind storms, rains, floods, fog, smog etc. under climate change scenarios. Deputy Director Task Force Agriculture South Punjab, Asif Raza informed that flowers of the “king of fruits”, shed heavily in March this year as it needed low temperature for it to bloom in this season while it rose above the normal range. “We are expecting a low yield of mango this year,” he apprehended.