Peruvian table grape exports amounted to $1,367,796,876 in this campaign, i.e. 17% more than in the previous campaign (2020/2021). The country shipped a total of 64 million boxes of table grapes (8.2 kilos each) according to data from the Association of Table Grape Producers of Peru (Provid), which is 13% more than the 57 million boxes it shipped out in the previous campaign.
The southern zone (Lima 0.2%, Ica 50%, and Arequipa 2%) accounted for 51.92% of the total volume exported and the northern zone (Piura 37%, Lambayeque 6%, La Libertad 5%, Áncash 0.50%) accounted for the remaining 48.08%.
In the 2021/2022 campaign, Peru had 21,099 hectares of table grapes, i.e. 2% more than the 20,775 hectares it had in the 2020/2021 campaign.
The main destination market for Peruvian table grapes in the 2021/2022 campaign was the United States, which accounted for 41% of the total volume exported. It was followed by the Netherlands with 14%, China with 13%, Mexico with 5%, and the United Kingdom with 5%, among other destinations.
Varietal group
By varietal group, Peru exported 26,880,000 boxes of white seedless grapes (42% share, +37%) in the 2021/2022 campaign; 17,920,000 boxes of red seedless grapes (28% share, +14%); 16,000,000 boxes of Red Globe (25% share, -7%); and 1,920,000 boxes of black seedless grapes (3% share, -20%)
The main table grape varieties exported in the 2021/2022 campaign were the Red Globe variety with 16,000,000 boxes (25% of the total); the Sweet Globe variety with 11,520,000 boxes (18% of the total); Allison with 4,480,000 boxes (7% of the total); Autumn Crisp with 3,840,000 boxes (6% of the total); and Sweet Celebration with 3,200,000 (5% of the total).