The National Mango Board has successfully started Peru's II Digital Mango Forum, an event in which Dr. Manuel Michel, executive director of the National Mango Board, made a presentation about "Mangoes in the United States: a successful case study in the sustained increase of mango consumption".
"We are very happy and satisfied to have opened this second digital forum. We would also like to congratulate the event's organizers as it had very interesting speakers and very instructive and constructive conferences," he stated.
"These types of forums and conferences are very enriching, and undoubtedly contribute to disseminating the importance and great value of the mango industry in a producer country such as Peru," he added.
Dr. Jorge Alberto Osuna Garcia, an agronomist and researcher at INIFAP, made a presentation called "Model construction and validation to determine the maturity of the product to harvest mango varieties for export in a non-destructive way". Dr. Noris Ledesma, professor at the University of Florida, spoke about the "Advance on the investigation of mango varieties for Latin America"; Mr. Mario Salazar, president of the Board of Agriculture and Livestock Chavín de Huántar, spoke about the "Analysis of the mango business and prospects", and Angel Alfonso Palomo Herrera, a specialist in plant diseases and producer of Kent mango, spoke about the "Sanitary limitations in the production of mango for export."
The II Digital Forum of Peruvian Mango has been organized by the Agrarian News Agency (, the international agri-food journalist Francisco Seva Rivadulla, and the National Agrarian University La Molina.