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International Pear Symposium will take place from 22-26 January 2023 in Stellenbosch

Stellenbosch University, HORTGRO and the ISHS have announced that the XIV International Pear Symposium will take place from 22-26 January 2023 in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The XIV International Pear Symposium will offer a great opportunity to exchange the latest research and technology on pear.

Scientists, researchers, students, technical staff, consultants, nurserymen, growers, and other interested delegates will be able to share their experience and knowledge on the production of pears in challenging climatic and marketing environments but in exciting times where many new technologies and information exists.

The main events will take place in the beautiful town of Stellenbosch in the Cape Winelands and home to the world-renowned AgriScience Faculty at Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch is the gateway to the major deciduous fruit-growing regions of South Africa. The rugged mountainous topography surrounding Stellenbosch is the setting for a scenic technical tour exploring the rich history of pear production in South Africa and showcasing the latest trends and technologies in pear cultivation and post-harvest handling.

The pear industry and Stellenbosch University look forward to welcoming you in South Africa. 

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