The Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX) and its Cherry Committee have won an award for their Chilean cherries' marketing campaign in China. They won the “IPA Effectiveness Awards 2022”, an important and unique international marketing competition in the advertising industry worldwide.
The marketing campaign for Chilean cherries received an award in the "Single Market Entries" category and it was the only recognition given this year to the fresh fruit sector globally.
This award recognizes the efforts of the Chilean cherry industry, united through the Cherry Committee of ASOEX, and which has the support of ProChile, for the marketing campaign in China from 2016 to 2020.
"We received this notification with great joy. This has not been an easy season for the industry and this award encourages us to continue working harder as it recognizes the dedication, creativity, and professionalism with which the strategies to encourage consumption have been designed, as well as the positioning of Chile and its cherries in important markets such as China. We believe that taking decisions together as an industry, in this case through our Cherry Committee, and having the support of ProChile has been key in this process. It highlights the importance of the joint work of the private and public sector," stated Ronald Bown, president of ASOEX. "This award reinforces the importance of marketing campaigns for Chilean fruits in international markets, as well as working together as an industry."
The industry will officially receive the award given by IPA Effectiveness Awards 2022 on October 10 of this year, at a ceremony to be held in London, England.
You can check out the list of all the winners, corresponding to this year 2022 by clicking here.
IPA Effectiveness Award
Winning an IPA Effectiveness Award is the highest recognition from customers and communications agencies globally. The awards set the global benchmark par excellence to achieve effective communication as one of the requirements to apply to them is demonstrating that they increased the value of the business brand or client. Additionally, all winners are published in a database called "Awards Effectiveness Databank", which for more than four decades, has been recognized as unique for its credibility and key to learning for the industry.
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