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Robert den Ouden, Rodeno Agri Products

"Coming period crucial for Dutch celeriac yields"

The rain in the Netherlands is a godsend for many celeriac growers. Though, according to Robert den Ouden of Rodeno Agri Products, yields could still go either way. "The non-irrigated parcels have a significant growth deficit, but celeriac is always a different story to potatoes or onions. Celeriac grows in October. If it rains enough then, we may very well get a normal yield."

Robert den Ouden with the Alpha celeriac variety.

"Last year, expectations were sky-high, and off-land celeriac earned quite a lot of money. Many thought there'd be a gap between the old and the new tubers."

"But I ended up trading the last of the old crop only last week. I didn't expect that either," admits Robert, who focuses on supplying field celeriac to Dutch and overseas packing facilities.

"Currently, however, sales are good. It's been dry almost everywhere, and there's broad demand, from Southern Europe to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia."

"Prices are now also at a level where growers can earn something. How will the market develop further? The next six, seven weeks will be crucial for celeriac yields," Roberts concludes.

For more information:
Rodeno Agri Products
Robert den Ouden
47 Oude Rijksweg
4472 AE, 's-Heer-Hendrikskinderen, NL
Tel: +31 (0) 653 190 100
Email: [email protected]


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