In 2021, Spain used 2,635,442 hectares for organic production, i.e. 8% more than in the previous year. With this increase, the area dedicated to organic production already accounts for 10.79% of the country's useful agricultural area (UAA). These data are provisional until Eurostat publishes the final ones, but confirm the growth trend of recent years and place Spain as one of the EU and the world's main organic producers by area.
These results are collected in the Organic Production statistics corresponding to the year 2021, which the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) has published on its website, coinciding with the commemoration of the international organic production day.
In plant production, there was an outstanding increase in hectares dedicated to permanent crops (+18%), especially nuts (+35%), banana and subtropical products (+25%), and citrus crops (21%).
The number of operators increased by 16% over 2020 and already reaches 58,485. This increase took place in almost all activities: primary producers (19%), industrial establishments (12%), and marketers (7%).
If we take into account that the same operator can carry out several different activities, the total number of activities has reached 62,320, i.e. 16.87% more than in the previous year.
ECO-registered industrial activities have grown by 5 % to 10,920. Plant production, in particular, has reached 9,436, the most outstanding of which include the handling and conservation of fruits and vegetables, and the production of beverages.
The 2021 Organic Production statistics are available in the following link.
On the occasion of the International Organic Production Day, the European Commission is presenting the first awards for organic production in a virtual ceremony in Brussels.