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Plenty of opportunities for agriculture and processing in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh, located in the heart of India, is an agricultural state. Agriculture contributes 47 per cent to its GSDP. That’s why Madhya Pradesh is proudly called “Food Basket of India”. The state is the largest producer of oranges, spices, garlic, ginger, gram and pulses in the country.

The area under cultivation of organic products is also significant in the state. It is the second largest producer of soybeans, wheat, maize, citrus fruits, onions and flowers. It is third largest producer of oilseeds, horticulture, chilly, aromatic, medicinal plants and milk.

Madhya Pradesh has a lot of opportunities for investment in the agriculture sector, with a special focus on capital investment in the development of quality seeds, fertilisers, fodder production and supply, manufacturing of agricultural machinery and equipment and irrigation projects. Along with this, Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain and related digital services are also being promoted in the state to meet the current challenges in agriculture and food processing value chain.

In the One District-One Product (ODOP) scheme, Madhya Pradesh has identified 24 primary products related to agriculture and horticulture. They include orange/citrus, custard apple, mango, tomato, guava, banana, betel, potato, onion, green pea, chilly, garlic, ginger, coriander, mustard products, sugarcane products, amla and turmeric.


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