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Protests and roadblocks in Peru move north

Peru has been mired in a deep democratic crisis after Pedro Castillo was imprisoned a month ago as the alleged author of a coup d 'état, which led to a social explosion that continues to escalate.

Currently, the protests calling for the dissolution of the Government of Dina Boluarte and the call for early elections are advancing north and the marches keep a section of the Pan-American highway, a route that connects practically all the countries of the American continent, blocked.

On Monday, protesters placed pickets on the tracks to prevent the passage of trucks, buses, and private vehicles in the province of Virú, 500 kilometers north of Lima. There are also blockades in the San Jose area, in this case, promoted by the agro-industrial sector and, according to the latest report of the Superintendence of Land Transport of People, Cargo, and Goods (Sutran), there are 99 traffic interruptions in the country. In total, there are 18 national roads affected in up to 10 different regions.

However, despite the advance towards the north, the mobilizations also continue in the south. According to various local media, the blockades in Arequipa and Cuzco make it impossible to visit Machu Picchu or celebrate the Candelaria festivities in Puno. The economic losses of the region are estimated at five million soles (1.2 million euro).

State of Emergency
The Government of Peru published on Saturday a decree extending the state of emergency starting January 15 for 30 days in the regions of Lima, Cuzco, Puno, and Callao, in addition to three other provinces and a district. The Minister of Justice, Jose Tello, said they were forced to take these measures to avoid vandalism in the most affected localities.









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