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Mitrofresh expands

Europe's largest Eryngii farm now live

The demand for mushrooms keeps climbing thanks to their health benefits, says Mitofresh CEO Valon Bahtiri. To cope with the high demand, this Dutch wholesale and import/export company started growing its own mushrooms. The operational expansion led to space running out at Mitrofresh's office, warehouse, and repackaging site in the Netherlands.

Eryngii farm in Kosovo
Last year, Mitrofresh's Eryngii farm went live in Kosovo. "We now control the shiitake and the whole Eryngii cultivation process. We can therefore guarantee continuity and quality. These varieties are becoming increasingly popular because of their versatility, so we chose to grow these mushrooms ourselves. But it's certainly not easy," Valon admits.

"Why in Kosovo is a frequent question. Surely it's better for the climate to produce mushrooms more locally? We have a reason for establishing our mushroom farms in Kosovo. All the necessary raw materials are naturally available locally. Those farms employ hundreds of locals, too, who work in an innovative learning environment."

What is the mushroom market's biggest challenge? "Climate conditions have always been challenging for wild mushrooms," Valon answers. "In some years, there's more supply than in others. High cost prices and energy can be challenging, but not for us. Our smart technology saves energy and lets us build for the future. By storing and reusing energy, we grow mushrooms in Kosovo with the lowest CO2 emissions and footprint."

Meat substitute
According to Bahtiri, exotic mushrooms are right with the times. "They're trendy because they're naturally very healthy, are a good meat substitute, and can be used in all 'cuisines' from Asian to French to Italian. Consumers and chefs began deliberately looking at how to eat in a healthy, immune-boosting way. Especially during and after the pandemic. Mitrofresh responds by providing inspiration and explanation to B2B clients, chefs, and the general public about the various exotic mushrooms."

"We exhibit at trade shows and regularly do in-store cooking demos and other events. Our website and YouTube and social media channels have 200+ recipes and cooking videos, too. We like inspiring experienced mushroom (home) chefs. But we also explain the different cutting, tearing, and preparation methods to interested novices. Approachable; whenever and wherever you have time, at your own pace, you can cook along with our chef," Valon explains.

He adds that, in the run-up to Easter, there is a high demand for exotic mushrooms. "The trend is healthier eating, so also at Easter.  Mushrooms are endlessly versatile, and you can use them in every meal. At breakfast, in an omelet or quiche, at lunch, on ciabatta with a bit of garlic and herbs. Then for dinner, you can slice Eryngii widthwise for a flavorful vegan scallop. Or you can boil mini Eryngii whole and add them to soup, a hotpot, or pasta."

Looking for a suitable location
"Our range now includes 210 different products. From mushrooms to Asian and exotic vegetables to tubers, sweet potatoes, exotic fruits, tofu, and dried and packaged mushroom mixes. We want to grow even more products ourselves," Valon says. That benefits the company's bottom line. "Business-wise, we've been outgrowing our current building for several years. After purchasing our new location, it turned out to still be too small, so we're already looking for a new, suitable site to further facilitate our rapid expansion," he concludes.

For more information:
61 Transportweg
2676 LM, Maasdijk, NL
Tel: +31 (0)174 245543
Email: [email protected] 

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