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California rains means strong pricing on celery

Supplies of organic celery will be limited until likely Mid-June. “The historically cold and rainy winter in California has caused significant supply issues of celery for the industry including blight, seeder and planting gaps,” says Brian Amaral of Braga Fresh Family Farms/Josie’s Organics. 

In addition, Braga Fresh has a transitional celery program in Santa Maria scheduled to begin in May that is delayed by three weeks. Finally, in mid-June, the Salinas region will commence with its regular production and better yields of organic celery.

Braga Fresh has a transitional celery program in Santa Maria scheduled to begin in May that is delayed by three weeks.

Mexican production
So where else are organic celery supplies coming from currently? “Right now we’re heavily dependent on Mexico for production. However, the Mexicali season is winding down. We have a seasonal program in Central Mexico that will carry us through our transition back up to Salinas,” says Amaral.

Furthermore, Amaral adds that Braga Fresh Family Farms is seeing an increased demand for organic celery as it moves through this year’s transitional period for celery supplies. He also says that in turn, the prices look to remain strong and he believes that they will keep climbing until mid-June when that normal volume begins in Salinas.

For more information:
Kori Tuggle 
Braga Fresh
[email protected]