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Retailer to purchase grower’s regenerative trial crop

Braga Fresh, home of Josie’s Organics, gained its first retail pre-order to support the company’s commitment to harvest and take to market crops grown using regenerative practices, a major step in trialing a low-soil tillage concept designed to increase the carbon content in soil.

The objectives of the regenerative farming trials are to conserve soil carbon by reducing tillage passes that allow for an increase in soil biology diversity and decrease the consumption of diesel fuel that powers the tractors conducting the tillage operation. With these goals, the company hopes to lessen water and fertilizer usage.

Whole Foods Market, in response to the company’s efforts the last two years, committed to purchasing and selling the scheduled trial crop of organic sweet baby broccoli this summer. Although small in volume, it is a benchmark.

“This early support from an important customer is helping our team continue the farming trials we do not yet have all the answers or know the ending to yet,” said Eric Morgan, vice president of environmental science and resources.

Regenerative agriculture is a variety of farming principles and techniques that seek to help reverse climate change by rehabilitating soil organic matter and biodiversity. The focus of regenerative farming on soil health promotes the natural cycle of building the soil’s carbon and nutrient content levels.

This is the third year Braga Fresh is trialing regenerative agriculture practices. The company says 2022 was a learning year and an opportunity to build awareness with its farming peers and retail partners.

Multiple practices are used to implement the regenerative trials, including plant sap analysis, data management, companion plantings, crop rotation, intercropping, cover cropping, soil testing, and water management technology. All regenerative trials are conducted to meet GMP and LGMA standards.

The trial crop, organic sweet baby broccoli, will be harvested on the Braga home ranch in Soledad, California, and field packed under the Josie’s Organics brand.

For more information:
Kori Tuggle
Braga Fresh
[email protected]

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