New carrot season starting at Natura Iblea
New carrots in 1 kg bag (grades 20/40)
"Quality is excellent even though quantities are limited because of the drought that affected southern Italy during the autumn/winter seasons.”
Natura Iblea is the largest organic company in southern Italy and it works directly with big retailer chains. In addition, it also supplies produce to retailers in Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany. Last season’s turnover increased by 12% especially for what concerns the retail channel.
“We usually produce around 3,900 tons of organic new carrots but, this year, I believe we will only be able to produce 3,200 tons because of the drought. The prices we have achieved on those contracts we have already signed are highly satisfactory. The real problem this year will be meeting demand, as it is far higher than supply.”
New carrots in open fields
The new carrot season at Natura Iblea will continue until mid-July. The produce will be packed as follows:
1 kg bags = 40%
1 ton BigBags = 25%
10 kg crates = 20%
1 kg trays = 15%
Carrot processing plant in Ispica
Starting this year, Natura Iblea will also process produce for canteens, cutters and juice producers as first and second grade carrots for the processing industry will also be produced.
First grade industrial carrots, grade 40+
For more information:
Azienda agricola Natura Iblea Srl
C.da Marabino
97014 Ispica (RG)
Tel.: (+39) 0932 955696
Fax: (+39) 0932 954489