It is not difficult to sort mangoes perfectly in Egypt, especially if using the latest technology available. "We are very proud to share our experience with a mango processing line, sold and assembled with an Egyptian partner despite the Covid-19 pandemic," reported Omar Papi, general director at Futura.
"We sold this line to our client Al-Alamya, located in Sadat City (Egypt), a company represented by director Mamdouh Mabrouk Ghatataty. We started negotiating before the pandemic, no one had any idea of what would happen."
Director Ghatataty in the foreground
"Nonetheless, director Ghatataty decided to stick with the project and completed the order in April 2020, right in the middle of the Italian lockdown. We would like to thank him for the trust. As I often say, the world does not stop, especially the fresh produce world, and those who keep investing will reap the benefits in the future."
The Futura sorter
This mango sorting line can process up to 6 tons an hour and is made up of a water feed tank also granting the possibility to perform treatments. After a first manual check of the fruit, there is a washing, brushing, drying and waxing system. The line consists of an electronic grader (LOGIKA model) with special mango cups and 12 outlets capable of sorting fruits based on their weight, diameter and color. Packaging modules are included at the end of the line."
FreshPlaza (FP): How many hectares of mango do you grow and of which variety?
Mamdouh Mabrouk Ghatataty (MMG): Our company covers over 400 hectares of top-quality mangoes such as Owais, Zebdea, Senara and Awees.
A small part of the company
FP: Covid-19 is a global problem: how did you manage to assemble the Futura machine?
MMG: Actually, we are very grateful to Futura as they provided excellent support: the delivery was punctual and, despite everything, they provided timely assistance for installation, startup and training.
FP: What are the advantages provided by the Futura technology?
MMG: At Ghatataty Farms, we have the objective of meeting the highest standards in all our departments. This is why we made a lot of research to find a reliable supplier. The processing line, designed and produced by Futura, enables us to sort mangoes according to their weight, size and color. The most interesting feature for us is the high level of automation and the intuitive system that is very easy to use. In addition, it makes it possible to check out online functioning, technical and statistical data as well as the report, which means we can manage packaging as well.
FP: Which markets do you want to reach?
MMG: The main market is the European one, especially the UK, Germany, Spain, France and Belgium, but we are also thinking about Russia and eastern Europe.
FP: Why did you choose Futura?
MMG: Because we have found this company to be very honest and quick to reply with good technical solutions throughout the entire negotiating phase. In addition, all the different departments have a lot of information and experience. Finally, they have been very available. We believe serving clients in the best way possible is essential.
Omar Papi
Email: [email protected]
Mamdouh M. Ghataty
Sadta City, Egypt