"The 2021 Sicilian watermelon season is one of the most successful in recent years. We would be wrong if we complained, because in truth our business activities have been fairly consistent. Even if there were no price peaks, which occur every year at the start of the season, this was a blessing in disguise because it maintained a balance between supply and demand," said Enzo Rametta, a producer and trader operating in the Catania Plain, in eastern Sicily.
Enzo Rametta
"The prices at the beginning of the season, which for us started at the end of May/beginning of June, were on average €0,35 cents per kg. Our varieties are Sentinel and Melania, which have excellent yields and are of great quality," said the entrepreneur.
"This year we had to deal with the great heat, which we tackled with extra irrigation at night, on over 150 hectares of crops, with a significant financial commitment. However, we gained in sweetness, with a Brix degree of around 18, that is a success that led to requests from retailers all over the region, especially between July and August. Because of the high demand, we have not been able to sell out of the region this year. On the other hand, Apulia, Calabria, Basilicata and other regions also produce watermelons during the same period".
"Similarly to other years, there was a downward phase after the Ferragosto holiday in Italy (15 August), with prices between €0,20 and €0,25 cents per kg. There might still be some variations, but nothing to worry about. This is a natural trend, which occurs every year with a few days of fluctuation, also due to the presence of many types of seasonal fruit, starting with stone fruits. Therefore, we cannot blame Sicily's classification in the yellow zone (due to the increasing Covid-19 contagions, Editor's note); on the other hand, consumptions remained almost unchanged".
"In recent years our brand (which is named after the surname of the entrepreneur, Editor's note) has seen a surge in business. similar to what it was 20 years ago, when it was leading the sector throughout southern Italy", concluded Enzo Rametta.