Hessing Supervers' new building has reached its highest point. This is to be the company's new production site in Greenport Venlo, the Netherlands. This was celebrated by hoisting a flag at this highest point. Starting in 2023, a hypermodern factory will operate here. Thousands of bags of freshly cut vegetables will flow from it to this wholesaler's customers every day. More than 1,350 employees will work in production, quality, technology, and logistics.
Plant's arrival brings new regional jobs
Hessing's new factory will soon bring many new jobs to the region. Some of their employees will transfer to Greenport Venlo from other locations. But these are not enough to fill all the vacancies. Hessing Supervers wants explicating give staff vacancies space to regional job seekers. That is in addition to its current employees. The company is looking for top performers at all levels. To this end, Hessing is launching a major recruitment campaign at the start of the new year.
Fltr: V.d Ven constructors with Michiel Louwe Kooijmans, Michel van Rijswijck, and Josja van Isterdael.
New factory will produce 320.000 kg of vegetables/day
The new plant is well-placed, close to the Netherlands' largest horticultural areas. So, the vegetables will be processed directly from the field. The new production location will use automated processes. It will process 320,000kg of vegetables into more than 850 different vegetable products every day. There are to be 100 production lines. These are for cutting, washing, drying, and packaging fresh vegetables.
Construction is going well
Six months after laying the foundation stone, the construction has reached its highest point. ''We're extremely proud of this milestone,'' says Josja van Isterdael, site manager at Greenport Venlo. ''Of course, there's still a lot to be done. But the construction is on schedule. You can see more of the factory emerging day by day. For example, the staff entrance and the technical service area's steel constructs have been erected. The walls are up too.''
For more information:
Hessing Supervers
8 Nieuwmarkt
1681 NP, Zwaagdijk, NL
Website: www.hessingsupervers.nl