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Michael Möhring from the ErfaFoodService network

"As a fruit and vegetable vendor, one has to be immersed in the customer's world"

Michael Möhring, from ErfaFoodService,  has been working in the catering industry for decades and tells us in an interview about current marketing trends and opportunities for catering companies and suppliers to develop their work in the future. ErfaFoodService is networked with, among others, caterers, system caterers, hotel chains, event services, suppliers and manufacturers, but also with canteens for care and educational institutions and brings them together in different formats at eye level - always topic-oriented.

ErfaFoodService also distinguishes itself, in addition to the primary networking and exchange opportunities, by organizing predominantly topic-related events that are open to everyone, i.e. not just Erfa participants, but everyone who is interested in the topic and can make a contribution. "We act with great depth at a wide variety of events, for example in the Netherlands. So we visited different clinics to see the innovative concepts there - also behind the scenes - and to ask the patients about the quality of the food. We also gained an insight into the perfectly coordinated internal clinic processes in terms of catering," says Möhring.

Getting to know the rules of the market
In addition to numerous ErfaWebTalks, the company is currently planning an experience exchange event entitled "Gastronomy in Fashion or Factory Outlets," where participants will gain an insight into how to ensure a high "speed of service" in the kitchen with good convenience products at the highest quality level using innovative foodservice technology. Möhring points out that one is really almost 'forced' to adapt to the circumstances accordingly if one wants to be commercially successful in this segment: "You have to know the rules of the game in this and other special market segments to be able to keep up as a caterer or upstream supplier. We work out the subtle differences in the processes," says Möhring, "and present them in the various event formats as workshops, expert talks and in other formats. As a fruit and vegetable seller, you have to immerse yourself in the world of the customer. If I understand how a restaurateur makes his food, then as a producer and / or distributor I also have to get involved and understand my customer. Actually, there's no need for salespeople, but product developers who look after and advise customers."

Furthermore, products should only be brought to market if one manages to reach potentially interested parties beforehand. "I can only successfully launch products on the market if I can also convince the product developers of the concepts or restaurateurs of the benefits. Simply bringing retail products to market in large containers is often the wrong way to go. Many system restaurateurs and caterers have their own supply structure, which you have to get involved with," he says.

"No professional changes his broker and main supplier anymore or switches to a new supplier because of a product," Möhring says. Möhring, in turn, criticizes some supplier organizations that operate successfully in the food retail sector and then want to enter the foodservice market with the same sales team and the same products. "They speak a completely different language than the restaurateurs, and in doing so, fail to engage with the needs of the foodservice industry."

High turnover in seasonal sector - solutions desperately needed
"Among other types of restaurants, theme parks have a huge problem with not being able to cater to their guests or keep them full and happy as usual due to staff shortages. Many have had to close some outlets because they lack staff, especially in seasonal operations. The turnover in seasonal catering has become brutally high and presents an additional challenge. To this end, we are organizing an event with ErfaFreizeitParks in March in Berlin, where we will present suitable Grab & Go and Vendig concepts that help to offer good and healthy catering in line with the times. It is important to us that colleagues share their best practice experiences openly and honestly with the participants. Glossy sales presentations are not desired here. Presentation and discussion sessions are organized by us together with the umbrella organization of amusement parks and with the support of the BDV vending association." Möhring goes on to explain. "Here, too, it is important for suppliers to deal with the needs and requirements of amusement parks and seasonal businesses beforehand and to present concepts holistically, i.e., good products in chic vending machines with functioning billing technology and secure logistics in the background."

Information needs of the diners
"The demand for food has changed enormously in recent years. About 70% of those who can also afford the appropriate quality want to know, among other things, under what conditions the products were produced, where they come from, etc. The products must not only be healthy and sustainable, but of course also taste good. With fewer specialized staff, other, new ways of communicating to the guest, in coordination with producers, processors and retailers, must be found."

Convenience as a modular principle
That being said, there would also be innovative producers and suppliers who offer their products in different levels of convenience. "This works something like a modular principle: the catering industry can order different products in different convenience levels that correspond to their respective, current situation, i.e., depending on staffing levels, customer wishes, etc. We visited such concepts or qualified providers during experience exchange meetings and gained insight into the complex and completely digitally controlled processes," Möhring explains.

For more information:
Organisation der ErfaFoodService 
Michael Möhring c/o Möhrings Foodservice-Kompetenz
Lindenweg 18
56323 Waldesch
Tel.: +49 172 9101655
E-Mail: [email protected] 

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