The Gala apples from Poland are in solid demand in this stage of the season, says Jan Nowakowski, manager for Polish apple distributor Genesis Fresh: “The new apple season is on the way and we are currently harvesting apples and loading freshly-picked apples. There has been very good demand for Gala apples since the beginning of the season. The Golden Delicious apples are also already finding their way to the clients.”
Nowakowski feels it’s not realistic for Polish apple traders to sell their entire stock at the beginning of the season. Therefore, they will simply have to deal with the higher energy prices. “All the countries are facing the same issues when it comes to the energy prices. They’re increasing due to global interruptions and conflicts. Most of the apple growers and distributors are thinking about selling all of their apple stock at the beginning of the season. This is an impossible goal, even if demand would be much higher than it currently is. On top of that, if we sold all of the apples now, we wouldn’t have any fruits later in the season, which would be bad for consumers.”
Despite the increase in energy costs, the prices for the apples have not gone up: “Prices for Polish apples are comparable to last season. In general prices are about 5 to 10% lower, but when it comes to Gala prices are at the same level as last year. I’ve seen that other producing countries have started their season with slightly lower prices as well. If the export increases during the fourth quarter of this year, I expect we’ll see higher prices in the first quarter of 2023. It will be a tough season, due to higher competition from all corners of the globe. But I’m sure we’ll be able to sell all our production this season.”
For more information:
Jan Nowakowski
Genesis Fresh
Tel: +48223783405