The new products presented by Agricola Patea at Artigiano in Fiera in Milan, the leading international event dedicated to artisanal producers, received great feedback. Owner and sales manager Fabio Trunfio welcomed visitors and clients.
In the photo, Fabio Trunfio, owner and sales manager of Azienda agricola Patea
“Taking part in Artigiano in Fiera 2022 was an important occasion to promote our bergamot oranges from Reggio Calabria, both fresh and processed (liqueurs, bitters, juices and holiday products). We set up our stand in the area dedicated to the Calabria region, to which the national press and TV dedicated in depth features. Specifically, I believe we need to push to obtain the PGI mark soon, as our product is often affected by the growing and often unfair competition of products from outside the historic cultivation area and even outside the region," explains Fabio Trunfio.
The company specializes in the processing of essential oils extracted from bergamot oranges, and creates a bottled juice line as well as a line of frozen products and a wide range of other products that include: candied bergamot oranges, oils and essences used for the production of 70% of natural fragrances in the world.
Over the years, the company has diversified its juice range in an innovative manner. Tris Energy Juice is among the most popular, a natural product obtained squeezing organic fruits such as pomegranates, bergamot oranges and fresh goji berries, as well as the new organic 100% orange juice available in the 200 and 750 ml formats. The latest introduction is the Cardus bitter, a product that also won the Oscar green 2022.
Amaro Cardus was the product that most attracted the attention of the public at the event. It is made with an infusion of wild thistle, blueberries and bergamot oranges, and is particularly appreciated for its authentic flavor and strong digestive power. It is available in the 50, 70 and 100 cl formats. It is a natural product with a strong, aromatic and persistent flavor, obtained following the most traditional production methods that include 40 days of infusion in steel vats and a post alcohol reduction at 28%. The maceration processes of the three base ingredients activate the extraction of the bitter components thanks to which the product acquires its digestive ability. The color is classic brown, with aromatic hints reminiscent of an unusual journey into the deep south of Italy.
“We are very focused on promoting the fresh bergamot orange chain, that is why the recognition provided by the PGI mark will be key to conferring the right value to a citrus fruit characteristic of a circumscribed territory. In this sense, the representativeness of the chain is very high thanks to the continuous memberships collected via".
The PGI mark includes the historic area of 50 municipalities between Villa San Giovanni and Monasterace.
ATS (Associazione Temporanea di Scopo) - regularly set up as envisioned by the domestic and European regulations - was conceived and structured to also perform other promotional activities and take part in tenders of various kind.
Agronomist Rosario Previtera coordinates the technical and bureaucratic procedures on behalf of the businesses part of the committee for the PGI mark.
Rosario Previtera with the logo proposed for Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria IGP
ATS gathers 180 single and associated companies and processing businesses, with over 500 hectares in total equal to around two thirds of the 1200 hectares of bergamot oranges registered in the Reggio Calabria metropolitan area. A dozen associations and institutions also form part of it.
For further information:
Fabio Trunfio
Azienda Agricola Patea
Contrada Caldara s.n.
89036 Brancaleone (RC) - Italy
Cell.: (+39) 338 6311477