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Bollo International Fruits and The Natural Fruit Company merged

Spanish companies Bollo International Fruits (Bollo) and The Natural Fruit Company (TNFC) announce an agreement to merge their citrus and melon businesses to offer a better service to their customers and create a benchmark in the sector. The completion of the operation is subject to approval by the competition authorities, among other conditions.

This milestone marks the beginning of a new phase in which both companies, always striving for excellence and sustainability, will exchange best practices for the benefit of their customers, employees, and suppliers, and contribute to the professionalization of the agri-food sector.

Since the company was founded a century ago, the Vercher family has charted the course of Bollo International Fruits, based in Benifairó de la Valldigna, Valencia. The brand is synonymous with quality in citrus (oranges, clementines, lemons, and grapefruit) and (water) melons. Bollo's project exudes transparency, seriousness, perseverance, and innovation.

"In TNFC we have found the ideal partner to further develop the project that our family started 100 years ago. We are very happy to be able to integrate our companies and look to the future together. This is a great opportunity for our customers, employees, partners, and suppliers," stated Jose Vercher, CEO of Bollo.

Together, the two companies have more than 7,000 hectares of their own citrus, melon, and watermelon crops spread over Spain, Brazil, and Senegal. These crops are managed by a team specialized in cultivation techniques and R&D. In addition, they also rely on external growers with whom they work closely to ensure the constant supply of quality fruit to the processing facilities in Benifairó and Alberic. The approximately 480,000 tons of TNFC are now added to the 180,000 tons of fruit that Bollo brings to the market every year. The complementarity of the teams and the values of both companies form the basis of a project with a strong focus on sustainability.

TNFC thus joins a great brand and strengthens its Full Citrus Basket with a year-round supply in line with its vision: to improve society's quality of life with healthy fruits and to protect the earth.

"We are very pleased with the agreement reached with the Vercher family, which allowed us to incorporate this hundred-year-old and innovative company into our project. We will further strengthen the Bollo brand, which today is synonymous with quality. Our intention is to become a partner of our customers, to be their quality reference, and to guide them from the best practices of sustainability," stated Antonio Alarcon, CEO of The Natural Fruit Company.

The Natural Fruit Company was advised on the operation by Altamar Advisory Partners, Garrigues, and PWC, while Bollo was advised by Broseta.

For more information:


The Natural Fruit Company

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