The National Institute of Agricultural Innovation (INIA) of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) reported that it had made available to producers in the region of Cajamarca and throughout Peru, a new high-genetic-quality potato variety that will increase productivity per hectare.
"This is the Inia 333 Chugayna potato variety, which, thanks to its high genetic quality, yields 47 tons per hectare. In addition, its vegetative reproduction system (clonal propagation) guarantees its stability practically by 100%. This will benefit the producer's economy.”
“Another characteristic is its ability to mature. Unlike other varieties, the Inia 333 Chugayna can reach its harvest level between 110 and 130 days, as well as generating 21% dry matter. Its genetic makeup makes it tolerant to major pests and diseases.”
"The Inia 333 Chugayna has a wide range of adaptation, that is to say, it can be sown from sea level up to 4,000 meters above sea level, in rainfed and irrigated conditions, especially in the inter-Andean valleys, where producers sow potatoes all year round."
“This potato variety has an elongated oval shape, shallow eyes, and a cream interior color with good texture, making it ideal for fresh eating culinary activities. It measures 5.96 cm, has a 0.07 standard deviation, and a 1.19% variability coefficient in the first campaign.
"Thanks to these characteristics, Inia 333 Chugayna is a good alternative for producers in the Cajamarca region and other areas of the country to improve their yields, the quality of their harvest, and to strengthen their family and organizational economy."
The Inia 333 Chugayna potato variety is the result of research carried out by INIA's Baños del Inca Agricultural Experimental Station. Researchers carried out analyses based on characteristics established by the International Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV), methods of planting in furrows, evaluation of measures, dispersion, and variability, among others.
The research involved the participation of the Northern Consortium INIA - CIP – AP, technicians from the Pataz Association, the National Roots and Tuberous Program, and researchers from the International Potato Center - CIP.