“There is a significant demand from international markets for quality late mandarins,” according to Jean Contreras, manager of Arco Fruits. The company started the campaign of late citrus fruit in January. After the clemenules, the time has now come to market the late mandarins, with the Tang Gold, Nadorcott varieties, and the latest addition, marketed exclusively by Arco Fruits: the Moncada. Three varieties with “exceptional organoleptic qualities”, sold under DaVida, the new brand of the group launched in November 2022 for the specialized organic network.
Moncada DaVida Mandarin/ © Arco Fruits
“We have succeeded in developing, selecting and introducing innovative varieties that taste great, are seedless and easy to peel, thanks to an important varietal development program implemented over the years, in partnership with the Spanish universities of Valencia and Castellón.”
At the heart of the "Finca el Zumajo" in Huelva (Spain). An orchard entirely managed in organic agriculture and agroecology. All the fruits are certified carbon neutral by Bureau Veritas / © Arco Fruits
Moncada: “rising star of the late varieties”
The result of a cross between the Clementino Oroval and Mandarino Kara, the Moncada has everything to delight consumers! “Seedless with a thin skin that peels very easily, an intense internal and external color, a melting pulp and abundant juice.” Arco Fruits has announced a production volume of 750 tons for this year, but “volumes will increase in the coming years as the young plantations will reach maturity.” Harvested at the end of December, it is marketed from the beginning of January until mid-February.
2000: selection and retention of tasty late seedless mandarin varieties. Out of the 1,300 mother plants obtained, 42 were selected and planted in experimental orchards.
2010: launch of the commercial orchard of organic Moncada mandarins.
Two more late seedless varieties next week
From February to the end of April, Arco Fruits will sell “two other stars of the late seedless mandarin category from the same orchard: the Tang Gold and Nadorcott varieties. Both are ‘ideal as table or juice mandarins’ and are highly acclaimed by distributors and consumers. Arco Fruits has more than 2,000 tons on the trees. The first harvests will start next week at optimum maturity, “once all the organoleptic indicators are green.”
For more information:
Michael Sanchez Escriva
Arco Fruits
Phone: +34 692 62 77 20
[email protected]