The abnormal temperatures of the past few months caused by climate change favored early sprouting and blossoming in many areas of the peninsula. With the sudden drop in temperatures of the past few days, however, frost will almost certainly occur. FreshPlaza has talked about it with Arcangelo Giammusso, Chairman of the BoD at Gener Wind Machines.
"When specific conditions occur, frost is certain. Producers are therefore taking action to avoid damages and avoid seeing the work of an entire season vanish in one night. In Italy, the problem of spring frost is not new, however, with the increase in average temperatures, it has become potentially more harmful with an annual estimated frequency of one critical event every two years."
"These conditions occur in case of early spring characterized by a low relative humidity, which favors in plants the release of the water contained in the tissue which, when temperatures suddenly drop below 0°C, freezes not enabling vegetable cells to reabsorb it, leading to their death."
The effects of such events caused reductions in the agricultural production between 50 and 70% in some areas. However, losses can be contained thanks to fans.
"Gener is a company specializing in the manufacturing and installation of anti-frost machines. The top of the range is an anti-frost fan made up of a 10.50 meter tower made of hot galvanized steel, 6 meter fiberglass blades and a motor cabin with four inspection and maintenance hatchets equipped with lock and siren alarm and holding a 450 liter tank. The machine features innovative technological applications that enable the digital transmission of parameters such as wind, temperature on the ground and at 10 meters high, attempts at tampering and functioning parameters. This way, we make it easier for entrepreneurs to carry out their work, providing them with actual and effective support."
"In the presence of frost caused by the sudden arrival of freezing air from the north pushing temperatures below zero, we can also provide burners that generate a forced temperature inversion through 3 power settings depending on the intensity of the frost, guaranteeing 1,600,000 cal/h on the third setting."
For further information:
GENER Wind Machines® by PFI Tech s.r.l.
Viale della Regione, 36
93100 Caltanissetta (CL) - Italy
+39 329 2586526
+39 0934 682747
[email protected]