The harvesting of ponkan tangerines is about to begin in São Paulo state. According to Cepea collaborators, although some volume was being supplied in late January, higher amounts are expected to arrive at the market in February.
Activities are supposed to begin in southern Minas Gerais and in northern São Paulo, where fruits usually ripen earlier because of both warmer weather and irrigation. From the second fortnight of February onwards, the harvesting may begin in other regions in SP.
The area planted with tangerine in the citrus belt (São Paulo and the Triângulo Mineiro) in 2022 is estimated at 12,583 hectares. Of the total, 5,065 hectares account for ponkan (40.25% of the tangerine area in the citrus belt). The major producing areas are northern and northwestern SP (including the Triângulo Mineiro), with more than 50% of the area planted.