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Peas, spinach, green beans, and onions register significant decreases, with falls of up to 35%

Spanish frozen vegetable production falls for the first time in 10 years

The Spanish Association of Frozen Vegetable Manufacturers (ASEVEC), a group composed of eight companies that account for 95% of national production, has announced that the production of frozen vegetables has decreased by more than 8%.

This decline represents a drastic change in the growth trend that has been maintained for more than 10 years and that has consolidated the Spanish frozen-vegetable industry as one of the most advanced and competitive ones in its sector at the international level.

The drop in production has been mainly due to a very adverse climate, as 2022 was the third-driest year since 1961, according to the Spanish Meteorological Agency.

Pea production declined by more than 35%, spinach production by 23%, onion production by 23%, potato production by 19%, zucchini by 19%, and green bean production by 19%. Meanwhile, broccoli production increased by 8%, and rice production by 7%. They were among the few categories that maintained or slightly increased their production.

According to José Félix Liberal, president of the association, faced with this general decrease in production and the increase in the cost of raw materials and inputs -mainly energy and fertilizers- "the entire sector has had to make notable efforts, such as cushioning the impact on prices as much as possible, as the sector has been doing in recent campaigns, to continue strengthening the competitive capacity of our companies in the international arena."

"Spanish agriculture plays a key role worldwide. The surface and treatment of crops, the methods for processing food, and the quality of the product offered position our country as one of the leaders in the sector,” stated the president of the Association.

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