According to a research report, Rwanda's yearly agricultural export sales increased by 45%, or to over $788.7 million (or Rwf859.5 billion) in 2022 from $543.1 million (or Rwf591.8 billion) in the same time of 2021.
The National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) of the nation recently released a report stating that the 2022 revenues will be five times greater than the Rwf156 billion budget set aside to finance the industry in the current fiscal year 2022/2023. NAEB also cites favorable agricultural product pricing on global markets as one of the factors contributing to the rise that has been observed.
“Our country has become a known figure in the international markets especially, in the Middle East, to be specific, Dubai (UAE) which is currently buying most of our agricultural produce,” said Donatille Nibagwire, a horticulture exporter.