Recently, Latvian potatoes experienced one of the steepest price jumps in the past 10 years, reaching an average increase of 50%. Growers are now preparing for the new season in the hope that weather conditions will be favorable enough to finally produce good results after two years of poor harvests.
Last year's experience has caused some growers to think about whether to continue their business this year or whether to reduce or increase the areas to be sown. “As yields were bad, there's a part that really throws in the towel because potatoes are a very labor-intensive culture. There are also many who take it up,” Aiga Kraukle, Chair of the Board of the Union of Potato Growers and Processors, said.
This year, commercial potato growers will have more available plant protection products to fight the pest spread in Latvia – the Colorado beetle. Private owners, on the other hand, will have to deal with the bug themselves since such chemicals will no longer be sold. Potato yields are also affected by diseases, so now is a crucial time for growers to assess the quality of seed.