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Grupo Fruta de Autor reaches agreement with Dubai's largest wholesaler to export oranges

The Spanish firm Grupo Fruta de Autor has reached an agreement with the company Al Bakrawe, of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to distribute oranges in the domestic market and re-export them to other Persian Gulf countries.

Grupo Fruta de Autor is formed mainly by the production companies Algitama and Melon de Autor. Grupo Fruta de Autor markets melons, watermelons, citrus fruits (especially mandarin and orange), kaki, and pumpkin, mainly on the national market and in Europe.

“These companies were grouped in the Fruta de Autor brand to expand exports in the Middle East, Asia, and North America. We still don't have much presence in North America but we are growing a lot in Asia and the Middle East,” stated Aitana Elizagarate, from the sales department of Grupo Fruta de Autor.

“Al Bakrawe is one of the leading importing and exporting companies in the Middle East, with broad recognition thanks to years of experience. Having a partner of this magnitude is key for us. It is the largest wholesaler in Dubai, the Middle East's import and re-export hub, something like the Netherlands in Europe,” Aitana stated. “Thus, we are also present in Qatar and Saudi Arabia,” she added.

The partnership between the two companies will focus on oranges. “Our supply programs go from February to June. Egypt is a large exporter to Middle Eastern countries, and since their supply usually comes to an end in February, our oranges find space in these markets. The first lots of South African oranges begin to enter the market at the end of May or the beginning of June. We can not compete with their prices, so their entry into the market marks the end of our commercial window in these countries,” she stated.

“This is the third campaign in which we have worked in these markets. Our volumes have grown a lot since we started and we hope to keep growing. We start with Lane Late -the one that our customers in the Middle East demand the most- continue with Navel Powel and end with Valencia. This week, we have already loaded 11 containers and in the coming weeks we'll be shipping 15 to 17 containers of orange per week, a considerable amount when one considers that this year's harvest has been low.”

“Expectations are that there will be 40% less orange in this campaign than in the previous one. Prices are higher as a result of the decrease in production and increase in production costs, so the market is slower than usual at this time,” she added.

The goal is not only to export but also to position the Fruta de Autor brand. “It is an honor for us that a firm like Al Bakrawe decides to partner with us and put their logo next to our brand. It's important for us that the customer trusts this brand. We have put a lot of effort into it, from the control and inspection of quality at origin to the final delivery at its final destination, to guarantee it arrives perfectly. That's why it's differentiating itself and is well-accepted in the markets. Even though we've only been exporting to these markets for two years, our sales team has more than 10 years of experience in these destinations,” Aitana stated.


For more information:

Aitana Elizagarate
Fruta de Autor
M: +34 669 02 85 16
[email protected]