According to exclusive data from Retail Data for infoRETAIL, “Lidl and Consum (with a positive net balance of five stores each) and Aldi (with a net balance of four stores) are the three food distributors that have achieved the best performance in the balance of openings and closures during the first two months of 2023 compared to the number of stores on December 31, 2022.”
“Among the Top 9 food operators in Spain, El Corte Inglés presents a stable net balance, while the rest of the distributors present negative figures: Alcampo (-1), Mercadona (-4), Carrefour (-8), Eroski (-8) and DIA (-22)”, according to infoRETAIL.
"The figures in the net balance of establishments also correspond to the evolution in the commercial area during the first two months of 2023. Aldi (+1.04%), Lidl (+0.84%), and Consum (+0.19%) were the only three operators in the Top 9 that experienced a positive evolution."
“The remaining six distributors among the Top 9 had negative developments in their commercial area, especially DIA, which experienced a 0.72% decrease. Alcampo (-0.04%), Mercadona (-0.12%), El Corte Inglés (-0.18%), Carrefour (-0.32%) and Eroski (-0.34%) experienced smaller falls.
“The grouping of the 15 ‘regional barons’ (which brings together Coviran, Gadisa, Condis, Ahorramas, Bon Preu, HD Covalco, Uvesco, Froiz, Dinosol, Alimerka, Lupa Supermercados, Transgourmet Iberica, Grupo MAS, Cash Lepe, and Fragadis) presents a positive net balance of 21 establishments during the first two months of 2023 and a 0.38% increase in their commercial area, mainly due to the openings made by Coviran, Transgourmet, HD Covalco, and Gadisa.”
In total, during the first two months of 2023, Spain's consumer goods sector "has a negative net cumulative balance of four establishments, although the commercial area increased slightly by 0.04% compared to the end of 2022," the report states.