The new Common Agricultural Policy rewards biodiversity and all the practices that favor it. The Flower Mix by Seminart includes a dozen species to not only improve soil and biodiversity (main purpose) but also to access European funds.
"This is the ideal period for sowing, and the cycle must last until late September in order to obtain CAP contributions (Eco-scheme 5) that envisage up to €500 per hectare. It is possible to sow also in marginal or uncultivated areas, the important thing is to have a positive impact on biodiversity," stresses Alberto Farè, technician at Seminart.
Flower mix is made up of intense and striking flourishing plants, able to produce large quantities of nectar and favor the restoring of the habitat for pollinator insects. It is a mix studied to meet the needs of the new CAP 2023, made up of only species part of Eco-scheme 5. Its mixed composition favors biodiversity and the resilience of the eco-system and can also be used for organic agriculture.
It is to be used in the marginal areas of crops, between fruit orchard, vineyard and olive grove rows and under the foliage projection area in case of larger trees. It is managed with periodic cuts to be performed after blossoming to facilitate the integration of useful pollinator insects and guarantee the reproduction and nutrition of the wild fauna.
"At the end of the cycle, it can be cut and left as natural mulching, or dug into the ground to improve the organic matter content of the soil."
For further information:
Seminart s.r.l.
Via S. Antonio, 60
35019 Tombolo (Padua)
+39 049 94 71 316