"Considering our productive and commercial experience, we are hoping that old vineyards will not be replanted with new varieties, but rather renewed with traditional ones. The Italia grapes can in fact still lead to great satisfaction, provided that the quality levels respect the tradition of this product much appreciated in Italy, France and the rest of Europe," explains Calogero Montana, CEO of the Italian-French group based in Sicily.
Calogero Montana
"The phenological condition of vineyards has been excellent so far and we are expecting the campaign to be straightforward, with early varieties starting in late May. Of course we are also growing seedless grapes, which are the future of the segment, though we are not disregarding historic varieties."
The vineyards of Gruppo Montana take advantage of the extremely favorable climate generated by the proximity to the sea
"To keep up with the times and market trends, we attend almost all of the fairs organized in Europe. This year in particular, we aim at reaching new domestic and international market as we will attend Macfrut 2023 as exhibitors. Rimini represents a point of reference for professionals in the fresh produce industry and for the international markets. It will be the occasion to meet our Italian and foreign current and future partners."
Another peculiarity of these vineyards is the irrigation water, which is ensured by artificial basins
"We will have a large 32 sq m exhibition space where we will welcome anyone who would like to stop by. Guests can find us in hall B3, stand 146."
The Montana Group
Montana is an Italian-French group specializing in table grapes and boasting over 300 collaborators, production sites in Sicily covering 190 hectares in total, over 50 of which destined to citrus fruit cultivation. In Sicily, the businesses part of the group also operate in the Canicattì and Mazzarrone areas, both of which are a point of reference for PGI grapes.
The group is soon looking to introduce avocados, mangoes, and passion fruit.
For further information:
Montana Groupe
70 Rue de Montpellier
94650 - Rûngis France
+33 612 9748 69
+33 146 8723 29