The mango season in India is kicking off, says Himant Chavda, chairman for Indian produce exporter Krish International: “We’re now in the initial stage of the mango exports. As a company, we mainly export three varieties of mangoes; Kesar, Alphonso, and the Badami mango. Demand is always on the higher side for Indian mangoes, as consumers are familiar with the taste of the product. This year, the mango yield is comparable to last year’s harvest. Some of the crops have definitely been damaged by the unseasonal rains, but overall the scenario seems good for us this year, as the quality is better than it was last year.”
Chavda is extremely happy about the freight rates having returned to normal levels this season, which will be important for the mango importers. “As the season is just getting started, the export volumes are lower at the moment. But we’re hoping for better volumes by next month. This year it’s also good to know that the logistical situation has massively improved compared to last year. Freight rates are finally down and buyers are very happy with the new situation. Thanks to this, prices for mangoes will be better this year, which results in us receiving bulk orders. It could potentially be the best season ever for us.”
For the upcoming season, Chavda expects that Canada could be a booming market for the Indian mangoes: “Demand has been a bit slow so far, but this will pick up as the season goes on. We expect to ship out mangoes mainly to Europe, the USA and Canada. The last of which seems to be a booming market this year. The increased exports to these markets should get going by mid-April. The Gulf countries are also a major market for us. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks prices will decrease, as volumes will increase more and more around mid-April,” he concludes.
For more information:
Himant Chavda
Krish International
Tel: +917878119473